李偉 Li Wei

Li Wei, born in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province in 1967, graduated from the Department of Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and then obtained a graduate degree from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently the director and editor of the large-scale activities department of the Fine Arts Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and He Shan of the China Artists Association. Deputy Secretary-General of the Painting Society, Director of the Chinese Painting Society, Visiting Professor of the Art Institute of Xiamen University, Visiting Professor of the Training Institute of Renmin University of China, Member of the Central Education and Culture Committee of the “Jiu San” Society, Vice President of the “Jiu San” Painting Academy, Distinguished by the Rongbaozhai Painting Institute Professor, member of the Chinese Printmakers Association and member of the Youth Federation of the Ministry of Culture of China, etc.