葉振和 Yap Chin Hoe

Ye Zhenhe, born in 1970, is a native Malaysian painter, famous at home and abroad for his skill in depicting Nyonya ceramics. He graduated from the Malaysian Academy of Arts in 1991 with a double degree in oil painting and printmaking, and has since entered the art world with Western oil painting and acrylic painting. Ye Zhenhe created a theme series focusing on classical porcelain, using modern techniques to evoke people’s concern for classical porcelain. His Baba Nyonya porcelain is colorful and eye-catching, surrounded by vibrant green plants, flying dragonflies, or lively birds. memory.

The Baba Nyonya porcelain in Ye Zhenhe’s works not only inherits the traditional Chinese patterns but also exudes a strong Nanyang style, recording the rich humanistic value and national characteristics of the Peranakans in Malaysia. His Nyonya porcelain series paintings include tiles, bowls, plates, vases, and other utensils. They have both personal characteristics and cultural feelings. They are widely loved by collectors at auctions. They were even sold in Singapore auctions in 2015. High price of $5,447.