Overjoyed 2 | Thuja cladding

Throughout the ages, Chinese culture has a strong concept of auspiciousness and likes to place supposition on animals, plants, or natural phenomena, so various related patterns have been produced, trying to obtain good luck and blessings through the meaning of feng shui or homophony. “Happiness appears in one’s face” is a metaphor for people when they encounter good things, and the look of joy overflows on the surface. The ancient book “Kaiyuan Tianbao Legacy” mentioned: “In the family of the people of the time, hearing the sound of magpies is a good omen, so it is said that magpies announce good news.” This shows the auspicious status of magpies.

On the thuja root, the magpie bird climbs the high branch, indicating that the personal career is prosperous and the family fortune is rising. The students can take the high school exams and get the title of the gold list. The elites in the workplace also have the opportunity to make great strides and soar. In addition, the sound made by magpies is one tone and one tone all the year round, so in addition to bringing all kinds of good news to the family, it is also a sign of permanence and stability.